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Climatic Changes and its influence on the Mental Health

Climatic changes are so intertwined with our mental health that it is impossible to imagine life without thinking about climatic conditions. Research studies conducted in the sphere unveil the impact of the severe climatic conditions on the mental health of a person.  It has been observed that there is a Co- Relation between Stress, Depression Anxiety, and climatic change. According to one study conducted in the US, nearly 48% of people claim that climatic conditions are already impacting mental health. It has been noticed that flooding and prolonged droughts cause elevated anxiety level, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorders.  Not only this these severe conditions also impact the socio-economic lives of the people as many times they lose their home or job that directly results in stress and anxiety.  

Climate change and influence on Behavior 

It has been observed that climatic change causes a change in the behavior of the people it has been observed that there is an unexceptional rise in the cases of domestic violence and aggressive behavior. There is a tremendous rise in the intake of alcohol during stressful situations and a rise in suicidal tendencies and cases of suicide. Abnormal behavior, short-temperament, and demotivation are general behavior tendencies that have been observed.  

Who all are more Vulnerable? 

Although nearly people of all age groups face some or other kind of mental pressure, stress and anxiety yet there are certain people who show more vulnerability and are more prone to stress some of these are elderly; people above the age group of 60. Children and people with chronic ailments. People of lower socioeconomic status, migrants, homeless people, and refugees are also more inclined to suffer from stress. 

 Impact on Children 

It has been observed that children are more likely to suffer post-trauma consequences than adults. They are unable to cope up with routine disruptions, separation from caregivers as well as parental stress also contributes to the mental stress of the children. Many times children suffer from long-term stress.  

Other Impacts  

There are many other far-reaching impacts of climate change, such as population migration, food scarcity, loss of employment, and loss of social support are some long-term consequences of mental health.  Food scarcity, scarcity of quality food, the potential increase in the diseases transmitted by insects are other impacts. 

Seasonal Affective Disorder  

Sunlight is generally considered a very crucial factor in mood uplift and mood elevation. Sunlight penetrating through clouds after many days may work as a motivating factor whereas on the other hand rainy season and snowfall for many days altogether may be a cause of depression and anxiety. Some people suffer from depression during certain seasons that is called seasonal depression. Whereas others suffer after a particular traumatic natural happening.  

Spring Season and ‘Happy Complex’ 

The Spring season is always related to happiness and newness. It gives a person new hope and excitement.  everyone seems to be happy. On the contrary, studies indicate that warmer days give a person extra energy to commit suicide which they were unable to do when the days were cold. As it gives new pressure on them to stay happy even if the\y are not.  

 It can be said that nature and the human body have close connectivity. Temperature, humidity, dark and gloomy temperatures all kinds of weather conditions are responsible for boosting the mood or may cause depression. Consequently, it becomes unavoidable to prepare for the adverse situations not only physically with resources but mentally too.